Finally, “Metal Gear Solid V” has released in the whole world today.
Two years ago, an orchestra recording of theme song “Sins of the Father” and “Quiet's Theme” was carried out at Ocean Way Nashville Studios. I am sincerely proud of being
responsible for the orchestration and music produce of these two songs.Congratulations Harry Gregson Williams, Daniel James, Ludvig Forssell, Justin Burnett, Akihiro Honda, Donna Burke, Kojima Production and Hideo Kojima.I would also like to share my “Metal Gear Solid” fans throughout the world my joy of completing and releasing this game with you.Please fully enjoy the music and the world of “Metal Gear Solid V”!!
本日「METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pain」発売を迎えました。
長い長い戦い。 歴代のメタルギアシリーズを振り返りながら、今日のリリースまで逆境に負けずに開発を続けてきた小島プロダクションのスタッフの皆さんに心から感謝と敬意を表します。主題歌の制作に関わらせて頂いたこと、この章を小島プロダクションの皆さんと共に届けることが出来たことを誇りに思います。発売おめでとうございます!